These printable sheets can be printed out as much as you’d like, or you can slip it in a sheet protector and use a dry erase marker to play again and again! Or uploading to the iPad or tablet in a drawing app can make for fun digital play. Play online Gomoku, Connect 4 or Tic-Tac-Toe with hundreds of players around the world. The dot game is a classic and gets to be really fun the more dots you use as your game board! The scribble game can be introduced as early as age 2, but from our experience, teens and adults have just as much fun using their imagination to make the silliest scribble into a work of art! Below are some easy-to-create paper clip activities and games that can build the skills children need to further important development in therapy and beyond. Sprouts builds spatial reasoning and strategy skills all while feeling like the game that keeps on going. Horse Race is an old game that makes your paper become a horse track and your pencil a horse, instantly transforming the simplest tools into another world of fun. Hangman All you need to play hangman is pencil, paper and at least 2 players. CLASSIC PAPER AND PENCIL GAMES: FUN ACTIVITIES FOR FAMILY KIDS AND ADULTS TIC TAC TOE, FOUR IN A ROW, DOTS & BOXES, HANGMAN, SEA BATTLE, MAZE PUZZLES AGES. You can extend this activity by going through the list of words and teaching the correct spelling of the items they wrote down for each category.We’ve collected our favorite simple strategy games for players kids ranging from 2-teen…adults will love these too! Tic Tac Toe can be introduced to your youngest child, but once they become more spatially aware, the 3D version becomes more challenging! Try the 4×4 and your ready for anything! Have them sound out words the best they can, and use their understanding of phonics to invent spellings. 12 Best Paper Pencil Games For Kids To Enhance Their Creativity Kids are often bored and testy when they are stuck indoors, going on a long drive or at the doctor’s office. For young children, give categories that allow them to be successful in naming several vocabulary words associated with the given topic. These puzzles develop logical thinking as well as. The game does require kids to be able to write and come close to correctly spelling words. Simple pencil and paper activities in a handy pad form will keep one or two children amused for hours. If you are playing with one child, challenge them to beat their top score each time a new category is given.

Find 156 fun games in our newest Game Guide. The winner of the game is the person with the most appropriate items written down. The best and most fun pen and paper games to cure the boredom blues. Try any of these fun paper and pencil games. A timer is set, and children must write down as many items associated with that category as possible. To play, give every child a pencil and a piece of paper. On the left side, put some letters from the alphabet. The board game actually began as a pen-and-paper game for two. It also makes for a great icebreaker if you are hosting a birthday party, an after-school club, or another event where kids might need a short activity to become socially at ease. 50+ Fun Pencil & Paper Games for Kids 1 CATEGORIES Draw a grid on a piece of paper. Players who draw a line that closes a box get one point and an extra turn. Then simply draw a straight line (horizontal or vertical) to join two dots.

Flip the paper over and do the same with the other flap of paper. Fold down one flap of the paper from the top to form a wing. Fold paper back in half and turn to the side with folded edge down. Fold down both top corner of paper into the center fold line. All you need are pencils, papers and a comfortable place to play. Fold a piece of paper in half the long way then open it back up. First, create a block of 4×4 dots (or as many as 10×10 dots). For your kids who dont want to roam around the house, pencil-and-paper games are perfect. Tutti Frutti focuses on these primary skills and can be done with a single child or a group of children. This classic pencil and paper game uses two different colored pens, lines, and dots.

Learning vocabulary elements and how categories and words associate is a major skill in the lower elementary grades.